Monday, April 27, 2009


8 year old getting pallet expander next week, any comments? Is it too young to carry out? Any experience to share?

I am an orthodontic assistant and children at this age that need a pallet expander is common. Children that I have worked on say they are uncomfortable for the first week but then they get use to it. Parents will be given a key to turn the expander a few times a day...please pay close attention as to how you are to do this as alot of parents do not do a full turn and this just slows the process down...ask any questions that you have and if you feel comfortable ask them to let you turn the key as they watch so that you know how to properly do this at home. Also with an expander there is certain foods to avoid so please make sure you get a list of these foods from your orthodontist. And also make sure your child knows to brush the expander when they brush their teeth to prevent any bacteria build-up. Please feel free to contact me if you have any more questions.

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