Thursday, November 12, 2009

Orthodontics- Rubberbands are supposed to be 3-6, 6-5, 5-3. Which teeth are those?

My orthodontist gave me rubber bands to wear. When I got home and took them out to eat, I couldn't remember which teeth to put them back on. I called and they said that it was '3-6, 6-5, and 5-3. I know it makes a triangle but couldn't remember exactly which teeth. There are many methods for teeth numbering and I just didn't understand. Thanks for helping!

Orthodontics- Rubberbands are supposed to be 3-6, 6-5, 5-3. Which teeth are those?
If you see your dentist in Canada, they are most likely using the "international coding system" to number their teeth.

The first number represent the quadrant in your mouth (1- the upper right, 2 - upper left, 3-lower left and 4-lower right). Notice, for baby teeth instead of using # 1 to 4 they will use # 5 to8 (5-upper right, 6 - upper left, 7 - lower left and 8 - lower right).

The second number represent the exact tooth counting starting from the center (midline) of your mouth. E.g. 1-1 means your first front teeth on the upper right side of your mouth.

Hence, 3-6 means your 1st adult molar (those bigger teeth located at the back of your mouth) on your lower left side of your mouth, 6-5 means your 2nd baby molar located on your upper left side of your mouth (which if all your teeth are intact, should be the 5th tooth down counting from the center of your mouth) and 5-3 means your baby canine located on your upper right side of your mouth (the pointy tooth, should be the 3rd one counting from the center of your mouth if all your teeth are intact).

Note, this combination sounds a bit too funny to work. You might want to double check on those number with your dentist. Or, if you are really having a hard time figuring out which tooth is which, just pop by your dentist's office. He/she should have it back on in no time. It happens often to people with braces, just remember where your dentist have place it, so next time when it happen again, you can place it back yourself :)

Hope that helps!
Reply:Not sure, but just call them back and ask which exact teeth. Or wait till your next appointment.
Reply:Orthodontist number the teeth starting from the middle. Your upper front teeth are your upper 1's, Upper right one, the one on YOUR right side. The tooth beside it would be your upper right 2, the canine tooth on your right side would be your upper right 3, etc. So when you say, 3-6, I'm thinking that means your upper canine tooth (the 3rd one in that's pointy!) to the lower molar on that side. the 6th tooth. I know this is all confusing! It's best to stop by and let them show you again. Don't be embarrassed, it happens all the time. It should just take a second. Have them hand you a mirror and watch them hook them up. Study them before you take them out! Good Luck

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