Monday, May 17, 2010

Where do you get most gore and disgusting patients?

in which do you get the most disgusting and gory patients endondics, main streem dentistry, orthodontics, or dental hygeine? i want to know plz and also which pays the most im thinking of choosing one as a career?


sorry about the spelling the spell checker wasnt working

Where do you get most gore and disgusting patients?
general dentistry sees probably more patients with disgusting mouths on a regular basis. Some people visit the dentist after never going to one for years or ever before. If that happens they have so much calculus build up that their teeth are hidden under all that gunk. Anyone who is seeing someone with a speciality probably have visited dentists throughout their lives and they have already been assessed by a general dentist. So the GD sees everyone first and refers them. So GD see it all because they either fix it or refer people.
Reply:Oral Surgery and Perodonics are the most bloody and patients usually have more severe dental problems. If you're looking for a higher dental salary, hygiene (which usually aren't doctors) and general restorative dentistry make less due to the fact that the procedures cost less to do. But don't just go into something for the money. Find one that you're passionate about and what your interest is.

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